You have nice style. I like that. Can you make more that shine or sparkle? I want one that'll make my friends jealous.. LOL!!
My red heart cursors. Inspired by Heart Variants Icons.
You have nice style. I like that. Can you make more that shine or sparkle? I want one that'll make my friends jealous.. LOL!!
3 out of 5 stars.
WOW....Lots of hearts. I"m not a person of hearts, but still, good work. The cool ones are the ones that go in then out like a necklace.
Perfect for the upcoming valentines day . But im not one for hearts.
i love them so cool 5/5 ;-)
great hearts, accordion style animation pretty cool, all are great, nice and smooth too -<
4.5 out of 5 stars.
Handwriting, help and link are really nicely animated!
Great Valentine themed cursor set!
Very nice work!
Maybe there could be a bit more dip in the center top and a bit more color saturation to the center of most of the hearts.
5 out of 5 stars.
Hearts r wat keep us alive
I like them but Some of the cursors are like same and where's the full set. ,
like this.
2011 is crazy, this site old i luvs it
Bro why tf does it look like a dildo
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